January 6, 2019

A Letter from Charles Bowen, January 11, 1967

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:49 pm\"\/case\/6\" Charles Bowen wrote his next air letter to John on January 11, 1967. He responds to a “stunner” of a UFO sighting John sent him, dismissing the idea that it was a “secret US project.” He also passes on a report from a correspondent, about a newspaper ad for the OS (I assume that’s the Ordnance Survey, the government mapping agency), using the Socorro symbol. The symbol, supposedly spotted on a UFO in Socorro, NM in 1964, had, understandably, intrigued ufologists. Bowen also invites John to contribute to the Flying Saucer Review.

ADDENDUM: As Ozinor notes in the comments, that’s probably “US,” not “OS.”


  1. Wouldn’t it make more sense that rather than OS the “O” is a malformed “U”? That would make the infiltration in the US, and would fit better with an “Eastern” newspaper and explain why the percipient might want to talk with John, both being in the same geographic area.

    Comment by Ozinor — January 7, 2019 @ 11:43 am

  2. You’re right, that does make more sense!

    Comment by Doug — January 8, 2019 @ 11:00 am

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